Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why Go to a Bartending School?

Bartending is a challenging job. Do not be fooled with the glamour and adoration a bartender gets when he started to do his own thing at the bar. Hard work is the name of the game. Just because you know how to mix shakes and beer for friends does not necessarily mean that you are ready to be a bartender. For you to be prepared for this kind of work you need experience, training and certification. Combination of these three will make you a successful bartender.

Bartending schools let students experience what the real bartending world is all about. School is great if an individual would like to learn modern techniques of bartending. Since schools give you a hands-on experience, you will be prepared for what’s to come during the performance of your bartending job. At the end of the course, students are given an examination in order to be certified.

There are online bartending course that offers certification. These courses usually take hours to complete the training. At the end of the course, students are given an examination in a classroom setting manned by a certified trainer. When a student pass the examinations, a certification will be given to the passer and this will serve as his pass to apply for a bartending job.

According to, many bartending schools are being looked up to by the students as their pass to enter the food and beverage industry because schools give them the proper exposure they need to be noticed and to get qualified for the job. Unlike any 2 year or 4 year college course, bartending schools offer bartending skills that will train and certify aspiring bartenders in just a short time. What’s good about this is that it will give the students structured courses and modules designed specifically for their needs. Though there are no substitutes for a real-world experience, there are employers who prefer someone who is certified to work and grow with them.  

If you want to study at a bartending school, try to find out the answers to these questions. Try to find out how long a graduate of the school finds a bartending job. Talk to some of the school’s graduate for you to know what their experiences in the school are.  Do these schools offer job assistance? Find out what are the employers’ opinions about their graduates. Do all of their graduates work as a professional bartender? How do these people handle difficult customers? What about cash handling? Do the school train their students about restaurant systems?

There are several talks and opinions about bartending schools, some says that attending bartending School is not necessary to become a good bartender, others say that bartending schools allow an individual to be one step ahead since they will be certified making them competitive and ready for the real bartending job. It is still best to remember that with hard work and determination, success  will be achieved  no matter what kind of job and industry you are in.

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